Fig.1-12 The combination of the advanced aqueous reprocessing process and the simplified pelletizing process

Fig.1-12 The combination of the advanced aqueous reprocessing process and the simplified pelletizing process

The advanced aqueous reprocessing process reduces the amount of aqueous and organic solutions processed in the following extraction/stripping process by the partial separation of uranium (U). Co-extraction and co-stripping of U, neptunium (Np) and plutonium (Pu) eliminate the need for separate partitioning of Pu and purification of U and Pu. Moreover, these fuel products with low decontamination will aid in proliferation resistance.
For adjustment of Pu/(U+PU) ratio, a simplified pelletizing process replaces powder mixing with mixing of solutions: U, U/Pu and minor actinides (MA) solutions. Lubricant-free pelletization and remote fuel fabrication in a cell for producing low-decontamination fuel assemblies and for recycling MA are adopted.

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