

Field line aligned mesh used in first principle simulations of electron turbulence. This technique enables microscopic electron turbulence simulations with grid numbers smaller by two orders of magnitude.

Fig.3-11 First principle simulations of electron transport barriers

(a) is a contour plot of the electric potential and (b) shows coupling structures of resonant modes characterized by mode numbers (m,n) in (θ,φ) directions. In a barrier region, zonal flows are produced by self-organization processes of single-helicity (2D-like) turbulence.

Fig.3-12 Contour plots of electric potential observed in electron turbulence simulations of self-organization processes

turbulence simulations of self-organization processes
Single-helicity electron turbulence, which is a model for a barrier region in Fig.3-11 (a), is evolved from random turbulent fields (c). These pass through a transient state (d), and then the system is relaxed to form turbulent structures with zonal flows (e).

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