
Delayed Overheating of the Reactor Core to Prevent Progression to a Severe Accident
−High-Temperature Oxidation Resistance of New Fuel Cladding Materials−

Fig.1 Microstructural changes in Cr-coated Zry cladding under accident conditions

Fig. 1 Microstructural changes in Cr-coated Zry cladding under accident conditions

(a) A "protective coating" at 1200 ℃ to (b) a "non-protective coating" at 1300 ℃.

 Cr-coated zirconium alloy (Zry) cladding, widely known as candidate cladding for accident-tolerant fuels because of their promising oxidation resistance compared with Zry cladding. To utilize these candidates as new cladding materials for light-water reactors, screening them under severe accident conditions is necessary. According to the Japan regulatory criteria, the peak Zry cladding temperature should not exceed 1200 ℃, which is determined from the integral loss-of-coolant accident (LOCA) tests and oxidations tests.
 To simulate severe accident conditions, the Cr-coated Zry cladding must be subjected to high-temperature steam oxidation, particularly to confirm its behavior up to 1200 ℃ as the condition of design basis accidents. However, many questions remain unanswered about the oxidation behavior of Cr-coated Zry cladding materials for temperatures higher than 1200 ℃ in beyond-design basis accidents.
 This study investigated the mechanism and phenomena of the Cr-coated Zry cladding under high-temperature steam oxidation, mainly above 1200 ℃. The transition from a "protective coating" to a "non-protective coating" was defined.
 The cross-sectional morphologies of the Cr-coated Zry cladding after the oxidation tests are shown in Figure 1 (a, b). At 1300 ℃, when a ZrO2 layer was present on the outer surface region, the coating was no longer protective because of O diffusion through the Zr precipitated within the Cr coating. The tests indicated that the Cr coating cannot protect the Zr cladding at 1300 ℃ but can protect the Zry cladding from oxidation at 1200 ℃.
 This study elucidated the mechanism and phenomena of the Cr-coated Zry cladding when exposed to high-temperature steam oxidation. Furthermore, this study will help understand the results of large-scale test data of simulated LOCA and severe accident phenomena.


This study is part of a collaborative research project with Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd.

Author (Researcher) Information

Name | Afiqa Mohamad
Research Group for High Temperature Science on Fuel Materials, Nuclear Science and Engineering Center


Mohamad, A. et al., Microstructural Evolution of Intermetallic Phase Precipitates in Cr-Coated Zirconium Alloy Cladding in High-Temperature Steam Oxidation up to 1400 °C, Corrosion Science, vol.224, 2023, 111540, 15p.

Paper URL:

October 7, 2024

Nuclear Science and Engineering Research

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