1. 4  Creep Failure Prediction of Reactor Cooling System Piping during Severe Accidents

Fig. 1-7 High temperature pipe integrity test (pressure of 150 bar)

Pipe failure behavior by internal heating was investigated using a pressurized test pipe. The pipe creep failure process at high temperature was observed in the test until a crack was formed after swelling and wall thinning. High-pressure gas escaped through the crack.

Fig. 1-8 Accuracy of prediction method for timing of piping failure

The proposed method well predicts the timing of piping creep failure in high-temperature pipe integrity tests for reactor pipes fabricated from various materials and having different shapes.

Fig. 1-9 Computer Code Prediction of Creep Failure of Reactor Coolant System Piping

Analysis using a severe accident analysis code predicted that the pressurizer surge line would be the first to fail of all reactor piping including steam generator (SG) tubes. Fission product (FP) release to the environment through broken SG tubes is thus unlikely to occur. In a failure of a pressurizer surge line, the released FPs will be retained in the containment.

Should a severe accident occur in a light water reactor (LWR), high-temperature steam and gas with fission products (FP) that generate decay heat will exit the degraded core to the reactor coolant system (RCS) piping. The mechanical strength of the RCS piping will deteriorate when the piping is heated far higher (close to 1,000degrees cent.) than the design maximum temperature (~ 360degrees cent.). Piping creep failure may then occur if the primary system pressure remains high. Since the location and timing of the piping failure greatly influence accident progression and FP transport, an accurate prediction method is necessary to evaluate the consequences of severe accidents. However, data concerning high-temperature creep deformation and related failure of piping has been very limited.
In the Wide Range Piping Integrity Demonstration (WIND) project, we performed high-temperature creep tests using specimens of various materials typical of those in RCS piping. Constitutive equations for creep strain and failure were then developed for each material. Pipe deformation and failure behavior at high temperature and pressure
(<about 1,000degrees cent. and about 15 MPa) was investigated further by performing pipe integrity tests using a real RCS pipe (Fig. 1-7). Finally, a method to predict the timing of piping failure was developed based on three-dimensional elastoplastic creep analyses of pipe deformation using the developed creep strain constitutive equations combined with creep failure constitutive equations. The accuracy of the developed prediction method was verified by comparisons with the results of the pipe integrity tests (Fig. 1-8).
The prediction method developed enables prediction of accident progression and evaluation of the consequences (Fig. 1-9) by incorporating this method into a severe accident analysis code. Now, we can accurately predict the time margin to piping failure in an accident.

E. Chino et al., Creep Failure of Reactor Cooling System Piping of Nuclear Power Plant under Severe Accident Conditions, Proc. of the 7th International Conference on Creep and Fatigue at Elevated Temperatures (CREEP7), Jun. 3-8, 2001, Tsukuba, Japan, 107 (2001).

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Persistent Quest - Research Activities 2001
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