
An Important Nuclear Technology Contribution to Medicine
-Analysis of Dose Distribution for Heavily Exposed Tokai-mura Criticality Accident Victims-

Fig. 1-7 Reconstruction of the postures at the moment of exposure

Fig. 1-8 Computational human models
a. Upright model used for radiation dose calculation b. New JAERI model for dose calculations of humans in various postures

Fig. 1-9 Skin dose distributions

The extreme heterogeneity of the doses by neutrons and gamma -rays in the skin were clarified.

Fig.1-10 Internal trunk dose distributions of Mr. A

The absorbed doses of neutrons and gamma-rays depended largely on the distance between the tank and the exposed body surface. The neutron dose decreases more rapidly than the gamma-ray dose.

The impetus and urgency for this research was a request from the medical team that treated the heavily exposed JCO criticality accident victims. Two workers, Mr. A and Mr. B, were heterogeneously exposed to neutrons and gamma-rays produced by nuclear fission. The medical team required detailed information on dose distributions to relate clinical observations of the skin and organs to the doses in the corresponding portions of the body.
However, there was no way to provide this information quickly since the available computational human model for dose calculation was for a standing (upright) posture (Fig. 1-8a). To respond to this difficult request from the medical team, we devised a way to analyze the dose distributions by developing the computational human model with movable arms and legs shown in Fig. 1-8b. It enabled us to model any of the complicated postures shown in Fig. 1-7. We incorporated the two models representing the postures of workers A and B at the moment of exposure into a computer code system that simulated criticality and radiation transport phenomena, and analyzed the dose distributions in the skin (Fig. 1-9) and in the trunk (Fig. 1-10). The results of this analysis contributed significantly to the understanding of the biological effects of high-dose exposure to neutrons and gamma-rays and to the development of emergency medical treatment for radiation exposure victims.

A. Endo et al., Analysis of Dose Distributions for the Heavily Exposed Patients in the Criticality Accident at Tokai-mura., JAERI-Research 2001-035 (2001).

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Persistent Quest Research Activities 2002
Copyright(c) Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute