
Simulation of Pellet Injection for the Prediction
of ITER Performance

Fig. 3-4 Density profile change with pellet

Fig. 3-5 Comparison between calculation and experiment

Fig. 3-6 Mechanism of pellet penetration

The pellet vaporizes, ionizes and becomes a plasma cloud, which is diamagnetic. The magnetic field is stronger on the inside than on the outside of the torus. The diamagnetic plasma cloud is accelerated toward the outside of the torus.

Experiments have demonstrated that pellets can penetrate deeper into a plasma if they are injected from the high-field side instead of the low-field side. An example is shown in Fig. 3-5. The mechanism is explained as follows (Fig. 3-6). The high-speed pellet melts, vaporizes, and ionizes to become a high-density plasma cloud. This high-density plasma cloud, being strongly diamagnetic, is accelerated toward the low-field side. Therefore high-field side pellet injection can fuel the plasma core much better than low-field side pellet injection. The analysis of transport properties of the high-density plasma cloud requires the solution of three-dimensional transport equations. This is a complicated calculation and its method has not been fully established yet. A simplified model of pellet vaporization and penetration has been incorporated into the ASTRA plasma transport code. The calculated result is in a good agreement with the experiment (Fig. 3-5). Please note that the experimental profile is flatter because of limitations in spatial and temporal resolution. A calculation with ITER parameters shows that high-field side pellet injection enables fuelling up to 60-70% of the minor radius with a modest pellet speed of 0.5 km/s, which potentially enhances the fusion gain by a factor of two, for example.

A. Polevoi et al., Simplified Mass Ablation and Relocation Treatment for Pelet Injection Optoimiziton, Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion, 43., 152 (2001).

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Persistent Quest Research Activities 2002
Copyright(c) Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute