
Why Does the Addition of Sulfur Make Metals Brittle?
- First-Principles Calculations Reveal the Weakening of the Nickel Grain Boundary -

Fig. 10-1 The structure of Ni grain boundaries (left) and electron density distributions (right)

The left figures indicate the grain boundary structures when S atoms gather at the boundaries. For (a), S atoms segregate and form a monolayer along the grain boundary, in which the S atoms are not adjacent to each other. For (b), S atoms form two monolayers, in which the S atoms are adjacent and repel each other, forcing apart the two Ni crystal grains. The right figures show the electron density distribution on the cross-sectional planes. The Ni-S bonds are strong but the S-S bonds are not.

Fig. 10-2 The predicted curve for S segregation

The curves calculated from the McLean model can predict the extent of S segregation at the grain boundary by applying calculated segregation energy. The cases for (a) and (b) in Fig. 10-1 can be 100% realized according to the McLean curve.

Fig. 10-3 First-principles tensile test calculations

The 2-monolayer segregation of S reduces the tensile strength by one order of magnitude.

Since 1925, it has been well known that the addition of sulfur (S) to many metals and alloys causes them to become brittle. Metallic materials consist of crystal grains several tens of micrometers in size. The boundary between the crystal grains is called the "grain boundary". In the 1970s, it was found that S atoms gather at the grain boundaries by heating, etc., and thereby metallic materials easily break at the grain boundaries. However, it was not well understood why and how the S weakened the grain boundaries.
We simulated this phenomenon on a supercomputer using a first-principles calculation, which is the method to numerically solve the basic equation (Schröinger equation) of quantum mechanics and thereby clarify the properties of materials at the electronic level. We applied this method to a nickel (Ni) system; but similar results should be obtained for iron systems. First, we investigated the extent the S atoms can gather at the grain boundary by calculating the energy difference between the two cases; the S atom is in the inner bulk region and in the grain boundary (Fig. 10-2). As a result, we have shown that the S atoms can gather at the grain boundary even when the S concentration in inner bulk region is 25 atomic parts per million. Although this had been clarified by experiments, we determined that the S atoms can be adjacent to each other but then they cannot make strong bonds owing to the stronger bonds between Ni and S atoms. This leads to a long S-S bonding distance that forces apart the two Ni crystal grains (Fig. 10-1). From first-principles tensile test calculations, we found that the maximum tensile strength is reduced by one order of magnitude by the repulsive interactions among S atoms (Fig. 10-3). Thus, we have determined that the repulsive interactions between segregated S atoms cause metals to become brittle.

M. Yamaguchi et al., Grain Boundary Decohesion by Impurity Segregation in a Nickel-Sulfur System, Science, 307, 393 (2005).

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Persistent Quest Research Activities 2005
Copyright (C) Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute