4.4 The Computer-aided Support System for Emergent Reactor Accidents


Fig. 4-6
Displays of COSTA

When an emergent reactor accident is considered to be growing towards a condition that might affect the area surrounding the plant, the technical advisory team will be summoned by the Government. To support mitigating activities of the technical advisory team, the computer-aided support system, COSTA, is being designed and developed. COSTA displays will immediately respond to demands, mainly requests for necessary information about the internal state of the plant in question, by utilizing the knowledge base on the plant status and the plant specification data base.
Illustrated in Fig. 4-6, are windows of COSTA with displayed information. The extensively improved knowledge base has made it possible to estimate the state of confinement of fission products and the release rate of fission products into the environment under severe accident conditions.


Computerized Support System for the Emergency Technical Advisory Body in Japan, 1994, Science and Technology Agency.

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Persistent Quest-Research Activities 1995
Copyright(c)Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute