7.3 Intelligent Reactor Design System - IRDS

Fig. 7-3
Overall plan of IRDS and the relevant key technologies

IRDS is a software system that includes a computation environment provided by recently advanced information processing technologies.


Fig. 7-4
Visualization of an analysis result with a bird's-eye view and a contour map

The user can easily understand an analysis result by its visualization with a bird's-eye view and a contour map. This figure shows thermal neutron flux distribution in a PWR core with MOX fuel assemblies.


Fig. 7-5
Comparison of design windows on pin diameter vs. pin pitch for the nitride and oxide fuel pin from a thermalhydraulic standpoint

This figure shows that the nitride fuel can accommodate a larger diameter fuel pin than the oxide fuel because of the high thermal conductivity of the nitride fuel.


To realize the optimal design, a reactor design requires the repetitive work of evaluation of the characteristics of the new design concept by analysis calculations and the modification of the concept and design goals if its characteristics do not satisfy the goals. Formerly, a computer has been used only for analysis calculations for the evaluation of the characteristics. However, by introducing a state-of-the-art graphical user interface and artificial intelligence technology, IRDS provides designers with an intelligent computation environment to powerfully support the entire design process-the series of steps involving construction, analysis, evaluation, and modifications of the design concept. The operator interface in IRDS is friendly. It will allow designers to easily convert their perceptions and mental images to conceptual designs and to interactively perform design work. IRDS is equipped with various data bases and knowledge bases to carry out design work even by inexperienced operators. IRDS can directly support design work in an evaluationstep, such as a parametric survey, using the design window search for a feasible range of design parameters that satisfy the design goals and to search for an optimal set of design parameters.


T. Kugo et al., Intelligent System for Conceptual Design of New Reactor Cores, Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc., 73, 207 (1995).

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Persistent Quest-Research Activities 1995
copyright(c)Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute