8.1 Development of Nuclear Fuels and Nuclear Chemistry

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Fig. 8-1
Fundamental and Engineering Studies of Actinide Chemistry Aiming for the Advancement of Fuel Cycle Technology


Research and development of nuclear fuels have been ongoing in the fields described below;
  1. the study of fast reactor and TRU burner reactor fuels, concentrating upon advanced materials like U-Pu mixed nitrides and alloys,
  2. the study of ultrahigh-burnup fuels for light water reactors to endure prolonged fuel use,
  3. the study of rock-like plutonium fuels, which possibly may be directly disposed of after the plutonium is almost completely burned,
  4. the study of higher density uranium fuels like silicides and new ternary compounds for research reactors and materials testing reactors,
  5. the study of a pyrochemical reprocessing system using molten salt technology, and
  6. the development of uranium enrichment using laser technology.

Nuclear chemistry research aiming at the achievement of an advanced fuel cycle process has fostered the following studies;

  1. research on the pyrochemical and the solid-state chemistry of actinide compounds,
  2. research on analysis methods for nuclear fuels and materials, and environmental substances,
  3. research on chemical reactions induced by radiation of lasers and particle beams,
  4. research on physicochemical properties, separation, and stabilization of volatile radionuclides and their compounds,
  5. development of a four-group partitioning process from high-level waste, and
  6. investigation of new superconductors under the high-temperature superconductor R&D project organized by the Science and Technology Agency.

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Persistent Quest-Research Activities 1995
copyright(c)Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute