Sintered lithium oxide (Li2O) pellets were irradiated with neutrons in the Fast Flux Test
Facility, and a radial cross section of the irradiated specimen
was examined with an optical microscope (Fig. 9-3); 4-5 % of Li
in the ceramic specimen was transmuted to T and also He by the
neutron irradiation. Although extensive microstructural change
and resultant swelling occurred during the irradiation, no serious
problem of the integrity of the specimen was observed. Thus, the
Li2O ceramic is expected to meet the design specification for solid
tritium breeding material in a fusion experimental reactor. Columnar grains formed along the temperature gradient are seen in Fig. 9-4, together with a center void at the high temperature end. Lenticular pores formed along the boundary of the columnar grain were not observed to be a precursor of cracking in the ceramic specimen. Furthermore, neither serious damage nor significant interaction with cladding materials have been observed in the Li2O ceramic after neutron irradiation. In addition, the recovery of tritium generated in the Li2O specimen has been demonstrated in in-situ tritium release experiments in the JRR-2 reactor. |
T.Takahashi, et al., Changes in the Microstructure and Density of Li2O during Irradiation in BEATRIX-II. Phase I, Fusion Eng. Des., 28, 271 (1995). |
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