10.1 Research and Development for the Synchrotron Radiation Facility, SPring-8

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Fig. 10-1
SPring-8 under construction in Nishiharima, Hyogo-Ken


Fig. 10-2
Characteristics of SPring-8 synchrotron radiation


Fig. 10-3
Injector of the linac being tested


Fig. 10-4
508 MHz rf accelerating cavity for the synchrotron


1. Synchrotron radiation research facility, SPring 8

Photons have been used both in materials science research and in research in various other fields. These efforts have achieved tremendous progress. A gigantic facility, SPring-8 - Super Photon ring 8 GeV, is now being constructed. This facility will use photons in a variety of scientific research acitivities. SPring 8, one of the largest facilities of its kind in the world,is being constructed by JAERI in cooperation with RIKEN.
In high-energy electron accelerators, electrons lose their energies by emitting electromagnetic waves (photons) when their paths are deflected by a magnetic field. These photons (synchrotron radiation emission) were initially considered a disadvantage for circular accelerators. The unique characteristics of this radiation, however, were later recognized. These characteristics suggested an exceptional future light source. Worldwide research on this radiation then proceeded rapidly. In Japan, advanced studies are ongoing in PF (2.5 GeV) of the KEK, in UVSOR (0.75 GeV), in INS (0.4 GeV) of the Universityof Tokyo, and in other facilities.

2. Characteristics and advantages of synchrotron radiation

The characteristics of this radiation are as follows:

  1. It is emitted in a forward direction (tangen tial to the curve of the ring) with a very strong intensity.
  2. It has a continuous energy spectrum below a certain energy, which is determined by the energy and orbital radius of an emitting electron.
  3. It is polarized in the electron orbital plane.
  4. It is possible to tune the light phase by reg ularly modulating the electron orbit.

Because the intensity is extremely strong and the wavelength is continuous for this radiation, it is possible to extract monochromatic light having an arbitrary wavelength using wavelength monochrometers. This allows the use of polarized monochromatic photons having a much stronger intensity than ever available before.

3. Construction status

The accelerator for the synchrotron radiation research is composed of an injector section, which accelerates electrons to the required energies, and a storage ring section which stores electrons used to emit synchrotron radiation.On SPring 8, JAERI's construction responsibility is for the injector, which consists of a linac (linear accelerator) and a synchrotron.
The linac accelerates electrons with an accelerator guide - a circular waveguide through which electrons are accelerated by a high-power electro- magnetic wave (a microwave). The total length of the linac is 140 m; the attainable energy is about 1 GeV. For synchrotron radiation, positrons are,in fact, more suitable than electrons, because a positron beam is more stable than an electron beam in the storage ring. However, positrons exist for only very short periods in nature. Therefore, they must be produced artificially for this linac. The linac under construction is capable of producing and accelerating the required positrons. Figure 10-3 shows the injector for the linac being tested.
The synchrotron has a circumference of 396 m. Electrons and positrons in the circular orbit are periodically accelerated with an rf (radio frequency) of 508.6 MHz (Fig.10-4). The synchrotron can accelerate the injected electrons or positron shaving energies of up to 1 GeV up to an energy of 8 GeV. This facility is scheduled to start operation for users in FY 1997.

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Persistent Quest-Research Activities 1995
copyright(c)Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute