15.1 Science using Computers

Fig. 15-1
Relation of computational science to experiment and theory in scientific research

Table 15-1
Research theme in "Computational science research in nuclear application fields"

Research theme Research and development item
particle system simulation
(simulation of atomic or molecular motion)
lattice heat conduction,
conduction-convection transition
continuum-system simulation
(simulation without empirical equation)
large scale numerical
simulation technique
speed up of simulation,
huge data processing

In the computational science research field, complex phenomena in nuclear application fields such as thermal hydraulics and changes in material properties are studied by computer simulations using basic models and equations. The objective is to find out something (using computers) which cannot be observed in existing experiments or by theory. The relation of computational science to experiment and theory is shown in Fig. 15-1.
The research field is divided into three parts as listed in Table 15-1.

Select a topic in left column

Persistent Quest-Research Activities 1995
copyright(c)Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute