Criticality safety research using the Static Experiment Critical
Facility (STACY) and the Transient Experiment Critical Facility
(TRACY) are carried out in the Nuclear Fuel Cycle Safety Engineering
Research Facility (NUCEF) for safe handling of plutonium and uranium
solutions in reprocessing plants. The STACY performs critical experiments using the various core tanks that simulate equipment in reprocessing plants. In Feb. 1995, the first criticality of STACY was achieved. Critical experiments of 10% enriched uranyl nitrate solution using the cylindrical core tank (60 cm in diameter) are now in progress. Figure 4-6 shows critical levels of fuel solutions using a water reflected or unreflected core tank. Figure 4-7 shows an analysis of the STACY experimental data. The calculated value of the effective neutron multiplication factor in the STACY experiments is larger than the estimated lower limit criticality value of homogeneous low-enriched uranium by using the JACS code system in the criticality safety handbook. This data shows that the criticality limit values in the criticality safety handbook are conservative (on the safe side). In TRACY, a supercritical condition of low-enriched uranyl nitrate fuel solution is simulated to investigate the behavior of fuel solution and the released radioactive material. The first criticality of TRACY was achieved in Dec. 1995. Transient critical experiments have now started. |
Proceedings of the First NUCEF International Symposium NUCEF95, JAERI-Conf 96-003 (1996). |
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Persistent Quest-Research Activities 1996 Copyright(c)Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute |