We cannot observe nuclear reactions with our eyes because the
nuclei are too small, typically on the order of 10-12cm. Usually the shapes and reaction mechanisms of nuclei are investigated
by producing collisions between various particles (such as neutrons
and protons) and nuclei. The distributions of emerging particles
are then detected. Such reactions, however, can be observed with
the aid of three-dimensional computer graphics by simulating the
nuclear reactions on high-speed computers. A method called Quantum
Molecular Dynamics (QMD), which is a version of molecular dynamics
modified for the nuclear reactions, has been employed. Figure 6-2 shows a nuclear reaction induced by a 5-GeV proton incident on iron. The time origin is at the top left; time evolves toward the bottom right. In this reaction, the incident proton completely penetrates the iron nucleus at T = 10 and produces several delta- and N*-particles. After that, a considerable number of pions and nucleons are emitted. Such a complicated reaction is known as a spallation reaction. In this way, the processes occurring in the very middle of a nuclear reaction can be identified. This provides a better understanding of nuclear reactions. |
S. Chiba et al., Nucleon Induced Preequilibrium Reactions in Terms of the Quantum Molecular Dynamics, Phys. Rev. C53, 1824 (1996). |
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