Nuclear data is a general term for the physical quantities which
describe the probabilities of nuclear reactions, the decay schemes
of radioactive isotopes, the energies of emitted radiation, and
so on. The "evaluation" of nuclear data involves the integration
of experimental results with the values calculated using nuclear
theory and statistics. A large amount of evaluated nuclear data
has been compiled to develop a nuclear data library for general
purpose use; it is called the Japanese Evaluated Nuclear Data
Library (JENDL). At present there are two main focuses of activity in the development of JENDL. The first is an evaluated nuclear data library for nuclear reactions induced by neutrons, charged particles, and photons, with energies up to several GeV, which will be useful to researchers in the fields of accelerator engineering, astrophysics, space engineering, and medical science, as shown in Fig. 6-1. The second main activity is the JENDL High Energy File, which is mainly intended for the calculation of particle transport and activations induced by neutrons, protons and photons. Fig. 6-2 shows one example of neutron reaction cross-sections of bismuth, which are expected to be used for measurements of the high-energy neutrons. In the figure, the line indicates the evaluated values and the symbols indicate the experimental results. We have made efforts to respond to the needs of many fields through the compilation of these evaluated nuclear data. |
T. Fukahori et al., Present Status of Research on Intermediate Energy Nuclear Data, Nippon Genshiryoku Gakkai-Shi, 37 (4), 264 (1995). |
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Persistent Quest-Research Activities 1997 Copyright(c)Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute |