Highly toxic and long-lived actinide elements such as neptunium,
plutonium, americium and curium are present in high-level radioactive
wastes which result from nuclear reprocessing. Treatment and disposal
of these wastes are current critical issues. The partitioning-transmutation scheme being developed in the Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute (JAERI) is based on a double-strata fuel cycle concept, where the minor actinides from the commercial fuel cycle flow into the second stratum transmutation ("actinide-burner") cycle. The minor actinides are concentrated and confined in the second stratum, exciting only after being converted into fission products. It is preferable for this second stratum, that high atom densities of the actinides are maintained throughout the whole cycle in order for the system's volume and physical envelope to be minimized. JAERI is studying the feasibility of using nitride fuels and pyrochemical reprocessing for this purpose, with metal fuel regarded as an alternative. The favorable thermal properties of nitride fuels make full utilization of a cold-fuel concept possible because, 1) lower fuel temperatures result, and hence less fission gas is released, 2) a thinner cladding is needed which achieves a harder neutron spectrum, providing more effective actinide burning, and 3) there is a negative Doppler reactivity coefficient in case of accidents. It has been estimated that the size of the fuel cycle facility based on the pyrochemical process can be very small, and accordingly the capital cost can be significantly reduced from that of the equivalent PUREX aqueous plant. On the basis of experiences with uranium nitride electro-refining, a laboratory-scale electrochemical cell has been installed in a plutonium glove box at the JAERI Oarai Establishment. The electro-refining process of plutonium nitride and neptunium nitride was performed in 1997. |
T. Ogawa et al., Concepts of Dense Fuel Cycle Processing for Actinide Burning/Breeding, Pacific Basin Nuclear Conf., Oct. 20-25, 1996, Kobe, Japan, 1179 (1996). |
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Persistent Quest-Research Activities 1997 Copyright(c)Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute |