2.4 Evaluate Plasma Confinement by a New Scaling Law

Fig. 2-7 Schematic of the plasma pressure (thermal energy) distribution in H-mode confinement
H-mode confinement is often accompanied by weak plasma instabilities at the plasma boundary. We developed a new scaling law for this type of H-mode confinement.

Fig. 2-8 Comparison of experimental data with the new scaling law
Energy confinement times calculated from the new scaling law correspond well with those obtained from various experiments (data points sit well on, or are close to, the diagonal (theoretical) line).
¡ indicates JT-60 data and shows data from other tokamaks with a divertor. Also shown is the predicted confinement time of ITER (œ) calculated from the proposed scaling law.

The performance of the thermal energy containment of fusion plasmas is generally evaluated in terms of an "energy confinement time." Unfortunately, no formula for the energy confinement time derived on a theoretical basis from the physics of fusion plasmas is available for the evaluation and/or prediction of plasma performance, and "confinement scaling laws" are widely used instead. A confinement scaling law is an empirical formula for the energy confinement time obtained from an analysis of extensive statistical processing of experimental data, being expressed as a function of major plasma physics and engineering parameters (magnetic field intensity, magnitude of plasma current and others), and applicable to a wide range of tokamak confinement experiments. Many scaling laws have been proposed depending on current theoretical and experimental progress.
Recently, we have developed a new scaling law for a particular H-mode confinement that is characterized by the existence of relatively small scale fluctuations at the plasma periphery, a kind of high quality confinement considered to be preferable for the steady-state operation of a tokamak. As shown in Fig. 2-7 this type of confinement has a characteristic two-part distribution of plasma pressure showing a steep rise in thermal energy at the plasma periphery (shown as a trapezoid-shaped W0) and a gentle increase towards the plasma center (a bell-shaped W1). The energy confinement time is defined as the ratio of the plasma total energy to the heating input power. We consider that the total plasma energy is given by the sum of the above-mentioned two parts, and have made a detailed analysis and processing of experimental data, on the assumption that the physical processes in the W0 plasma are governed by the magnetohydrodynamic stability of the plasma near the boundary, and that the physics in the W1 plasma are dominated by the transport of heat and plasma particles in the central plasma, and have derived a new scaling law for energy confinement. This new scaling law fits the experimental data very well as shown in Fig. 2-8, and is therefore most interesting for the basic work of the confinement evaluation of the ITER physics design.

T. Takizuka et al., An Off-Set Non-Linear Scaling for ELMy H-Mode Confinement, Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion, 40 (5), 851 (1998).

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