2.7 A New Type of Integrator
-Full Play for Longer Time Experiments-

magnified picture

Fig. 2-13

Schematic diagram of a voltage-frequency converter, an ascend-descend counting type integrator

High frequency oscillations are produced proportional to the output voltage of the magnetic probe. The sum of the digital counting of its frequency is equivalent to integrals. A reference high frequency is adequately counted down to adjust the zero point of an integral value.

Fig. 2-14

An error of the integrator under a circumstance of the JT-60 tokamak (a drift for the case of zero magnetic field intensity

An integral means the accumulation of signals in a certain time interval and is one of the fundamental quantities in an automatic feedback control circuit. However, it is usually believed that accuracy and/or reliability of integrals are poor in the case of longer time intervals due to both fluctuation signals inside the circuit and some disturbances from external circuits.
Measurement of the magnetic field intensity with high accuracy is necessary and inevitable for a fusion reactor, in which fusion particles are confined by the magnetic field. The magnetic field intensity is usually measured by an integral of the signals from the magnetic probe which detects the temporal variations of the magnetic field. It is needed to measure the magnetic field over 2,000 s in ITER. We have developed an integrator using modern digital technology. A schematic diagram of the new integrator is shown in Fig. 2-13. Compensation for steady noises inside the circuit is needed, because the magnetic probe suffers from noise signals. Furthermore, fully developed studies have been made for the temperature control of elements, insulations in printing bases, earthing methods, protection for over-voltage signals, resetting of the analog-digital converter and etc. Comparison data between the new type integrator and a traditional one are shown in Fig. 2-14. In the case of a traditional integrator, the error (magnetic field intensity caused by drift) increases continuously. On the other hand, in the case of the new method, the error is negligible for about 2,000 s.

K. Kurihara et al., Development of a Precise Long-Time Digital Integrator for Magnetic Measurements in a Tokamak, Proc. 17th IEEE/NPSS Symp. on Fusion Engineering, Oct. 6-10, 1997, San Diego, 1, 799 (1998).

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