2.10 Metal Joining Technology, a Complicated Structure Is Formed in One Go

Fig. 2-19 Blanket structure and a test piece

(a) Concept of a blanket structure

A part of the blanket which covers a core plasma is shown in Figure. The blanket suffers neutron thermal loadings from the core plasma. Large electromagnetic forces are applied to the blanket under some operational conditions.

(b) Full-scale test piece fabricated by HIP

The dimensions of the test piece are 1.6 m in width, 1 m in height, 0.4 m in length.

A blanket for a fusion reactor has to change the kinetic energy of neutrons to a thermal level, and transport it out. The blanket structure of ITER is shown in Fig. 2-19. A multi-layered structure is formed, i.e. looking from the plasma side, aluminum forged copper plates, cooling pipes made of stainless steel, stainless steel blocks which have built-in cooling pipes and etc. These layers are joined in one structural unit. High temperature Isotropic Pressing (HIP) technology has been developed for this case, that is, 1,000 degrees in temperature, 150 MPa in pressure applied to this large size, complicated structure. The pressure of 150 MPa is about 1,500 times atmospheric pressure. However, there is still a need for; optimization of the processing of materials, a fully worked-out planning for a particular case, and a demonstration of reliability. We made many endurance tests such as thermal cycle fatigue tests and etc. It became clear that this HIP has a higher quality than the usual welding and/or soldering (i.e. homogeneous connection, strength equal to the substrate, a smaller deformation and etc.). This technology is assumed to be the reference method for the fabrication the ITER blanket.

S. Sato et al., Development for First Wall/Blanket Structure by Hot Isostatic Pressing (HIP) in the JAERI, Fusion Eng. Des., 39-40, 609 (1998).

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