5.2 Enhancement of Safety Margins by Adding Hydrogenous Material to FBR Cores

Fig. 5-3

Plate configuration in the core cell

Core compositions are simulated by various plates such as plutonium, uranium, zirconium and sodium, and moderator material by polystyrene plates with different densities.

Fig. 5-4

Improvement of reactivity coefficients in FBR cores

A softened neutron spectrum increases the Doppler effect by a factor of 2 with an increase of the hydrogen to heavy metal (H/HM) value from 0.02 to 0.13, and a flatter neutron spectrum decreases the Na void effect by a factor of 0.6.

New reactor concepts have been investigated to enhance the safety margins for a metal or nitride fast reactor by adding a small amount of moderator material to the core. With a softened neutron spectrum, the reactivity characteristics of these cores can be improved; the Na void effect can be reduced and the Doppler effect can be increased. A series of mock-up experiments for a moderator-added metal fast reactor was carried out at the FCA (Fast Critical Assembly) to obtain experimental verification for these improvements of reactivity coefficients. Moderator material, zirconium-hydride (ZrH), is simulated by the polystyrene (CH) and zirconium (Zr) plates mounted in the central part of the test region cell (Fig. 5-3). To evaluate the effect of the hydrogen contents on reactivity characteristics, three kinds of mock-up cores were constructed. Atomic number density ratios of hydrogen to heavy metal (H/HM) nuclide of the test region cell of each core were set to be 0.02, 0.05, and 0.13 using three kinds of CH plates with different densities.
From Fig. 5-4, it is seen that the improvement of reactivity coefficients was proved experimentally by adding a small amount of hydrogenous material to the metal fueled fast reactor core. The measured data were analyzed using the 70-group cross section set generated from the nuclear data library JENDL-3.2 and the standard code system for the fast reactor at JAERI. It was concluded from these analyses that the present code system for fast reactor analysis predicts relatively well the measured data of reactivity effect in the cores with various hydrogen contents, and that this code system can be used for conceptual design study on this type of fast reactor.

T. Osugi et al., Mock-Up Experiment for Moderator Added Fast Reactor, Proc. Physor'96., Sep. 16-20, 1996, Mito, 2, E21 (1996).

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