8.1 A New Type Capsule Using Saturation Temperature

Fig. 8-1 Saturation temperature capsule
Demineralized water is supplied into "Saturation temperature capsule," and is boiled at the specimen surface.

Fig. 8-2 Relationship between gamma-heating rate and boiling characteristic curve
The gamma-heating rate distribution is not uniform along vertical direction in reactor core. Temperature at specimen surface is maintained at a saturation temperature by controlling water pressure and water flow rate. At 87 atm of water, the saturation temperature is about 300 degrees.

Fig. 8-3 A result of corrosion rate for zircaloy-4 under irradiation
The corrosion rate was measured by the AC impedance between two insulated zircaloy-4 plates under LWR's in-core environment. The in-core corrosion rate increases more than the out-pile rate. The mechanism of acceleration for corrosion rate has been able to study.

Materials irradiation tests have been carried in Japan Materials Testing Reactor (JMTR) with a large-scale loop that simulates the LWR's in-core high-temperature environment. The large-scale loop, however, had disadvantages of high cost in operation and maintenance and of low irradiation volume in the reactor. JAERI has successfully developed a new type water loop called as "saturation temperature capsule" shown in Fig. 8-1. The new capsule does not need the large water loop but has a function of water loop inside the capsule. It replaced the large one by reducing the irradiation cost and by making all holes available for irradiation tests. A difference between the specimen surface temperature and the saturation temperature of water slightly increases with increasing heat flux produced by the gamma heating in the region of boiling curve from nucleating boiling to burn-out. The ideas of this capsule are to control the saturation temperature by changing the water pressure injected into the capsule. Consequently the specimen surface temperature is kept nearly at saturation temperature as shown in Fig. 8-2. For instance, when the water pressure is 87 atm, the irradiation temperature of specimen will become about 300 degrees.
Figure 8-3 shows the performance of this capsule. Corrosion rate for the LWR's fuel cladding materials (zircaloy-4) was measured: the corrosion rate under irradiation agrees with predicted lines well. As reference data the corrosion rate measured in unirradiated test was also shown in the figure. The effect of irradiation environment on the cladding materials is to increase the corrosion rate.

Y. Matsui et al., Irradiation Techniques under High Pressurized Water Using Hybrid Type Saturated Temperature Capsule in the JMTR, J. Nucl. Mater., 258-263, 378 (1998).

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