11.2 Versatile Library of Numerical Calculations for a Variety of Parallel Computers

Fig. 11-3 Parallel calculation performance of the eigenvalue analysis program
The result of the performance evaluation of an eigenvalue problem analysis program of the versatile numerical calculation library was carried out for parallel computers and a workstation cluster of CCSE, JAERI. All the eigenvalues and all the eigenfunctions of a 2,000 * 2,000 real symmetric matrix were calculated. For all the computer systems used, speed-up ratios increased in proportion to the number of processors, up to a sufficiently large number. Generally, the execution time does not necessarily decrease in inverse proportion to the number of processors. With this library, however, this ideal situation is realized by optimizing the program.

Fig. 11-4 An example of a large scale simulation carried out by using the versatile numerical calculation library
The result of the analysis of the structure of liquid selenium by a molecular dynamics simulation is presented. The system of 64 particles is too small to analyze the chain structure of selenium. The computational time increases in proportion to the third power of the number of particles. A reduction of the computational time was possible due to parallelization of the calculation of a system with 512 particles.

When a large-scale computation for science and engineering is carried out, the percentage of CPU time necessary for "numerical calculations" such as the solution of simultaneous linear equations, eigenvalue problems, Fourier transforms, and so on is overwhelmingly large among all the processes of a program. In order to attain high efficiency parallel computation, therefore, it is most important to parallelize, particularly the numerical calculation programs. Though even in many parallel computers numerical calculation libraries are provided as in conventional large-scale computers, there are scarcely standard numerical calculation libraries which can be used efficiently and safely in a wide variety of different parallel computers. This is because the differences between parallel computers are enormous in comparison with those of conventional sequential computers. In this situation we developed "a versatile numerical computation library for parallel computers" on the basis of the MPI library, the defacto standard in the parallel computation environment.
One of the most important features of this kind of library is the fact that the execution speed of computation should be proportional to the number of processors used for parallel computation as far as possible. Figure 11-3 shows the computation time versus the number of processors of the numerical computation program in the library executed on various parallel computers in CCSE (Center for Promotion of Computational Science and Engineering), JAERI. It is clearly understood that the proportionality feature of the computation speed is attained up to a large number of processors irrespective of the inherent performance of each computer. Figure 11-4 shows the result of a molecular dynamics simulation of the structure of liquid selenium calculated using an eigenvalue analysis program in the library which was developed. As the computation time is extremely reduced by the parallelization, a simulation of a large number of particles becomes realizable.

F. Shimizu et al., Development of Parallel Library in JAERI, Keisan Kogaku Koenkai Ronbunshu, 2, 105 (1997).

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