Mixed nitride of plutonium and MA is used as fuel material at the initial loading to design the core with much improved MA transmutation performance. The annual MA transmutation rate is 10%, which corresponds to eliminating MA of approximately 250 kg annually (equivalent to that arising from 10 units of 1,000 MWe nuclear power stations). |
High-level radioactive waste produced from nuclear power generation
contains extremely long-lived radioactive nuclides, such as minor
actinides (MAs). Transmutation aims primarily at converting MAs
to non-radioactive nuclides or very short-lived ones. In a transmutation
system driven by a proton accelerator, a large number of spallation
neutrons are generated in a target bombarded with a high energy
proton beam from the accelerator. These neutrons are introduced
to an MA fueled subcritical core and maintain the chain reaction
in the core. MAs are eliminated mostly through fission reactions. The present system proposed here uses lead-bismuth (Pb-Bi) both as the spallation target and the coolant for the subcritical core. Chemically inert lead-bismuth coolant is more favorable for the safety of the system than sodium which was adopted in the previously designed system. The system achieves high MA transmutation capability (Table 3-1). Namely, the MA transmutation rate is approximately 250 kg/y, which corresponds to the amount of MA annually arising from 10 units of 1,000 MWe nuclear power stations. The core itself is maintained subcritical throughout the period of full power operation of the system (10 years). A variation of subcriticality during this period is minimized, resulting in a small variation of the proton beam power of the accelerator and resulting in efficient operation of the accelerator (Fig. 3-7). The plant concept based on the system is simple, in which the main components, such as steam generators, are integrated in a reactor vessel, together with the core (Fig. 3-8). This integrated plant can be expected to have substantially improved safety characteristics, such as the aseismicity. |
K. Tsujimoto et al., Conceptual Study of the Lead-Bismuth Cooled Accelerator-Driven Transmutation System, Proc. of AccApp 1998, 137 (1998). |
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