Creep rupture characteristics up to 100,000 h in helium are the
most important basic items of material performance to be considered
in the high-temperature structural design of the HTTR. It requires
over 12 years to obtain creep data up to 100,000 h in a helium
environment. Thus, it is prudent to estimate the rupture strength
of 100,000 h based on experimental data of 30,000 h. Creep and
rupture tests were conducted on Hastelloy XR (a modified version
of conventional Hastelloy X), which is used for the intermediate
heat exchanger of the HTTR. These tests were conducted at 800,
900, and 1000 degrees cent. in simulated high-temperature gas-cooled
reactor helium. The results up to about 50,000 h showed no significant
degradation and confirmed the above design allowable creep-rupture
stress of the design allowable-limits in Fig. 5-4. As shown in Fig. 5-5, two factors cause the degradation of material during creep in an impure helium environment. The first is the environmental effect. Helium is inert, however, the HTTR coolant contains impurities such as CH4, CO2, CO, H2O, and H2 generated from the core material graphite. These impurities may corrode structural material and promote the growth of surface cracks under tensile creep-stress; though Hastelloy XR has good corrosion resistance. The second is the intrinsic factor in the material. If some brittle phases precipitate at grain boundaries during long-term exposure, inside cracks occur. These cause significant degradation of creep properties. The results of creep-tests have demonstrated the long-term performance of Hastelloy XR in HTTR helium at high temperatures. |
Y. Kurate et al., Long-term Creep Properties of Hastelloy XR in Simulated High-temperature Gas-Cooled Reactor Helium, J. Nucl. Sci. Technol., 32, 1108 (1995). |
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