2.2 New Divertor Also Effective in Steady-State Tokamak Operation

Fig. 2-3

Comparison of carbon impurities before and after divertor modification

Cessation of heating at an energy input of 200 MJ in the modified divertor experiments is due to the maximum operation time available for the JT-60 heating device.

Fig. 2-4

Demonstration of the long sustainment of a high performance steady-state plasma for 9 s

Typical data are: plasma current 1.5 MA, toroidal magnetic field 3.6 T, heating power 20-25 MW, ion temperature at the plasma center 100 million degrees.
The confinement improvement factor is 1.7, or 70% better than the standard confinement in JT-60.

To develop a method of maintaining high performance, steady-state confinement of tokamak plasmas for a long time duration is the central research program of JT-60. With the new, modified divertor, significant progress was also made in the study of steady-state tokamak operation. In JT-60, sustainment of a high performance, steady-state confinement under high powered operation above 20 MW had been limited to about 3 s mainly due to the rapid increase in interactions between plasma particles and the vessel wall and the influx of carbon impurities from the plasma boundary. Plasma performance seriously deteriorated when the time-integrated heating power input exceeds about 70 MJ.
In experiments with the new divertor, we clearly demonstrated the suppression of the influx of carbon impurities and of neutral particles produced near the divertor into the main plasma, and confirmed the effectiveness of pumped divertor functions together with our design concept adopted for the divertor modification. Figure 2-3 compares the carbon impurities before and after divertor modification as a function of the time-integrated heating power input, or heating power times heating time. As shown in the figure, while the heating input is increased to values as large as 200 MJ, the new divertor can keep the impurity contamination at a moderately low level in marked contrast with earlier experiments with the old divertor. As a result of the successful operation of the new divertor, a good confinement plasma has been sustained for about 9 s in a steady-state as shown in Fig. 2-4. The sustainment time was limited by the marginal operational capacity of some of the JT-60 devices, not by the impurity contamination.
Because of the development of the long sustainment of steady-state plasma confinement in JT-60, experimental studies of the effect of the slow time evolution of the plasma current distribution on steady-state plasma confinement are now feasible and are expected in the near future.

H. Shirai et al., Recent Experimental and Analytical Progress in the Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute Tokamak-60 Upgrade with W-Shaped Divertor Configuration, Phys. Plasma, 5 (5), 1712 (1998).

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