2.6 The Particle Nature of a Plasma Is Essential for Some Instabilities in Fusion Plasmas

magnified picture

Fig. 2-12

Simulation of an internal instability by a particle model including the density gradient effect

x, y represent the poloidal coordinates of a doughnut-shaped plasma

The current density distribution in a high current, large tokamak becomes peaked at the plasma center, which frequently causes instabilities near the plasma center inducing internal fluctuations of the structure of the confining magnetic field. Instabilities are observed as a recurrence of sawtooth-like oscillations in electron temperature and/or density. This internal instability is known to induce a sudden termination of plasma current (disruption) in the crucial case. Theoretical studies of internal instabilities have so far been developed on the basis of a fluid model, regarding the plasma as a continuous body. In high temperature, fusion plasmas, however, collective behavior of plasma particles becomes more important for understanding the physical processes of this type of instability.
We have been developing a detailed simulation study of microscopic processes of the instability on the basis of a particle model that describes the plasma behavior in terms of the motion of its constituent particles. As a step to simulate actual experimental conditions as closely as possible, a peaked distribution of plasma density is assumed as an initial condition, (including a density gradient) as shown in Fig. 2-12. The simulation has revealed that an electric field develops in the plasma as the instability evolves, which was not predicted by the conventional fluid model. It is also found that the resultant electric field interacts with the structural fluctuations of the confining magnetic field, making the process more complicated. As shown in Fig. 2-12 the interaction of the electric field with the confining magnetic field produces plasma rotation, and a vortex-like structure appears in the density distribution. In the final stage of instability, the density distribution is flattened through the vortex structures, however the current density distribution is found to remain peaked at the center suggesting an instability-prone distribution, which is consistent with experimental observations.

T. Matsumoto et al., Particle Model Simulations of MHD Activities in Tokamak Plasmas, J. Plasma and Fusion Res. (1999) to be published.

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