
About the Design of the Cover :


The cover is designed to envisage a hopeful future shining in the sky which is a clear blue like the color of the JAEA logo. This is accompanied with white colored hexagons similar to the pattern in a tortoise shell which symbolizes the wish of people for longer lives from ancient times in Japan. Coincidentally, this shape is the same as that of core fuel assemblies for both the prototype “MONJU” Fast Breeder Reactor, and the high Temperature Engineering Test Reactor “HTTR”.


The picture in the upper left shows 3D image of the computer-based nuclear emergency response system “WSPEEDI-Ⅱ: Worldwide version of System for Prediction of Environmental Emergency Dose Information 2nd version”.


The picture in the lower right shows the facilities of JAEA Horonobe Underground Research Center where we are conducting R&D activities for advanced geological science and geological disposal of high-level radioactive wastes.


JAEA R&D Review 2009


JAEA R&D Review 2009


Editorial Board
Chief editor: Hisao Ojima
Vice editor: Keizo Itabashi

Tetsuji Yamaguchi, Hideo Kaburaki, Yu Hashimoto, Ken Muramatsu, Norito Ishikawa, Takamasa Mori,
Kaoru Onuki, Hiroyuki Yamamoto, Shimpei Matsuhashi, Mitsuru Kikuchi, Kazunori Hirao, Ippei Amamoto,
Shinji Yoshikawa, Yoshihiko Nagasato, Kazuhiro Aoki, Tomohisa Zaitsu, Akihiko Osa, Shintaro Ishiyama,
Tsunemitsu Yoshitake, Masahiro Ishihara, Hiroshi Tanaka, Takuji Kojima, Shinichiro Mikake, Naoto Yagi


Published by Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA)
Editorial Office:

Intellectual Resources Section, Intellectual Resources Department

2-4 Shirakatashirane, Tokai-mura, Naka-gun, Ibaraki-ken 319-1195, Japan

Phone: +81-29-282-6387 Facsimile: +81-29-282-5920

All Rights Reserved by JAEA (c)2010